My stern chase after time is, to borrow a simile from Tom Paine, like the race of a man with a wooden leg after a horse.

—John Quincy Adams, 1844

If both what is before and what is after are in this same “now,” things which happened ten thousand years ago would be simultaneous with what has happened today, and nothing would be before or after anything else.

—Aristotle, c. 330 BC

No preacher is listened to but time, which gives us the same train and turn of thought that elder people have in vain tried to put into our heads before.

—Jonathan Swift, 1706

Nothing puzzles me more than time and space, and yet nothing puzzles me less, for I never think about them.

—Charles Lamb, 1810

I look for the end of the future, but it never ceases to arrive. 

—Zhuangzi, c. 325 BC

Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its brevity.

—Jean de La Bruyère, 1688

Our allotted time is the passing of a shadow.

—Book of Wisdom, c. 100 BC

This is Year Zero.

—Pol Pot, 1975

A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch.

—Jane Austen, 1814

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.

—Book of Ecclesiastes, c. 250 BC

In time history must become a fairy tale—it will become again what it was in the beginning.

—Novalis, c. 1798

The appointed thing comes at the appointed time in the appointed way.

—Myrtle Reed, 1910

They say, “We only have the life of this world. We die and we live, and nothing destroys us but time.” Yet, not true knowledge have they of this—only belief.

—The Qur’an, c. 620

The past is always tense and the future, perfect.

—Zadie Smith, 2000

The best way to fill time is to waste it.

—Marguerite Duras, 1987

Years are nothing to me—they should be nothing to you. Who asked you to count them or to consider them? In the world of wild nature, time is measured by seasons only—the bird does not know how old it is—the rose tree does not count its birthdays!

—Marie Corelli, 1911

I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time.

—Marilyn Monroe, 1962

Time is a veil interposed between God and ourselves, as our eyelid is between our eye and the light.

—François-René de Chateaubriand, c. 1820

Thou art not to learn the humors and tricks of that old bald cheater, time.

—Ben Jonson, 1601

Time’s ruins build eternity’s mansions.

—James Joyce, 1922

We should not say that one man’s hour is worth another man’s hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing; he is, at most, time’s carcass.

—Karl Marx, 1847

Time rushes toward us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics, even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation.

—Tennessee Williams, 1951

Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.

—Frank Zappa, 1989

We wish away whole years, and travel through time as through a country filled with many wild and empty wastes, which we would fain hurry over, that we may arrive at those several little settlements or imaginary points of rest which are dispersed up and down in it.

—Joseph Addison, 1711

Time, when it is left to itself and no definite demands are made on it, cannot be trusted to move at any recognized pace. Usually it loiters, but just when one has come to count upon its slowness, it may suddenly break into a wild irrational gallop.

—Edith Wharton, 1905

Time’s violence rends the soul; by the rent eternity enters.

—Simone Weil, 1947

The celestial machine is to be likened not to a divine organism but rather to a clockwork.

—Johannes Kepler, 1605

 Do not lessen the time of following desire, for the wasting of time is an abomination to the spirit.

—Ptahhotep, c. 2350 BC

Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.

—Cormac McCarthy, 1992

The past grows gradually around one, like a placenta for dying.

—John Berger, 1984

There is no work of human hands which time does not wear away and reduce to dust.

—Marcus Tullius Cicero, 46 BC