2012 | Moscow

Offering a Solution

Dmitry Itskov explains Neohumanity.

In the aspiration to solve the global problems that have arisen with the arrival of new technologies, modern society is moving to a postindustrial model. Modern civilization has reached an understanding of the value of human capital and the creative element of the personality in the development of society. But because of the inertia of mass thinking and the indecision of many national leaders, the postindustrial concept of society will not be a panacea for the approaching crises. The current model for the development of society has ceased to provide an adequate response to the challenges of the times.

The scientific technologies being developed today are sufficient to expand the human population and acquire new living space, but not sufficient to compensate for the negative consequences of this expansion. The humanitarian technologies that are widely available are not capable of influencing society and changing the devastating vector of development. Our expansion is not compensated for by fundamental transformations of the individual or the mass consciousness.

One way for civilization to move to the next level of development is for humanity to develop and pass a new evolutionary strategy as soon as possible. The foundation of this strategy is constant and intensive development, reaching a higher level for controlling reality, toward new ideas, meanings, and values and the creation of a fundamentally new model for the existence of society: spiritual, humanistic, ethical, and high-tech.

As our own potential is developed and revealed, our individual consciousness will become complex, flourishing, flexible, and playful. Multivaried and paradoxical, it will inevitably begin to come into conflict with its limited mortal, protein-based carrier—the biological body. Overcoming this conflict will be the main stimulus for a scientific and technical breakthrough. The convergent development of NBICS technologies (nano-bio-info-cogno-synthetic) opens up possibilities for creating self-organizing systems capable of reproducing the functions of life and the mind on nonbiological substrates. Over the coming decades, human beings will gain a new, practically immortal carrier of the personality. This is the path of replacing biological evolution with cybernetic evolution. In these transformations lies the essence of a new strategy for the development of society—the strategy of spiritual and bodily evolution, or evolutionary transhumanism.

Every individual existence goes out in a lonely spasm of helpless agony.

—William James, 1902

Modern science already knows a great deal about the evolution of the cybernetic body. Cybernetic bodies will develop from robotic bodies to bodies made of a cluster of nanorobots, and then to hologram bodies. These transformations will completely change the accustomed infrastructure of human civilization.

Neohumanity will change the bodily nature of the human being and make them immortal, free, playful, independent of limitations of space and time. 

The main features of neohumanity:

The ability to unite in a collective gigantic mind, the noosphere, a complex self-organizing free society of progress, evolution, and synergism. Values, ideology, the mentality, and economy are focused on moving forward, on the growth of the global nature of goals and tasks.

Synergy of technological and spiritual development, supermind, immortality, multicorporeality, cosmic creativity, technologies directed toward improving the physical carrier of the personality.

The goals and tasks of the transitional period—the twenty-first century:

To refocus science completely on the creation of breakthrough technologies (such as the realization of the “Avatar” project to transfer the personality to an alternative carrier, the main technological project of the third millennium).

To create eco- and futuropolies with a controllable climate.

To create underwater, floating, and flying cities.

To develop transhumanist medicine based on avatar technologies: technologies of cybernetic artificial organs and systems, technologies for moving the individual mind of the human being to a nonbiological substrate—an artificial body.

To eliminate aging, illnesses, and death.

The Triumph of Death, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 1562.

The Triumph of Death, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 1562. Museum Joanneum, Graz, Austria. 

The goals and tasks of neohumanity for the twenty-second to twenty-third centuries:

To conquer aging and dying universally, for every human being and all of humanity, using technologies for moving the individual to another carrier. To gain unlimited immortality, i.e., to perfect the capabilities of the artificial body in order to realize existence of unlimited length for it (freedom in time).

To give everyone the opportunity to gain multicorporeality, a mind distributed on many carriers, the free life of one mind in several immortal bodies and control of them.

The goals and tasks of neohumanity in the twenty-third to thirtieth centuries:

To realize full control of reality by the power of thought and will, the possibility to self-organize, order, and complicate space, and by creating complex unequal systems, to make new worlds.

To create a personal universe controlled by the mind for every neohuman being.

To realize control over the course of personal history by the power of thought, going as far as to complete all historical processes in a point of singularity (end of history, contraction of time).

Used with permission of Global Future 2045.

Color photograph of Russian multimillionaire Dmitry Itskov.

Dmitry Itskov

From “The Path to Neohumanity as the Foundation of the Ideology of the ‘Evolution 2045’ Party.” To the question “Are you insane?” posed to him by the New York Times, Itskov, a multimillionaire and former online-media mogul, replied, “I hear that often. There are quotes from people like Arthur C. Clarke and Gandhi saying that when people come up with new ideas they’re called ‘nuts.’ Then everybody starts believing in the idea and nobody can remember a time when it seemed strange.” The 2045 Initiative was founded in 2011.