Tom Bissell

Black and white photograph of Czech writer Karel Čapek.

Karel Čapek

(1890 - 1938)

Black and white image of Roman philosopher and statesman Seneca the Younger.

Seneca the Younger

(4 BC - 65)

Immanuel Kant

(1724 - 1804)

Rebecca Solnit

Black and white photograph of Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud with cigar.

Sigmund Freud

(1856 - 1949)

Daniel Zwerdling

Herbert of Clairvaux

(c. 1133 - c. 1198)

Gertrude Stein

(1874 - 1946)

Aleksandar Hemon

British author Mary Shelley.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

(1797 - 1851)

Elias Canetti

(1905 - 1994)

Otto Friedrich

(1929 - 1995)


(c. 170 - c. 235)

Black and white photograph of Italian writer and chemist Primo Levi.

Primo Levi

(1919 - 1987)

Fan Ye

(398 - 445)

Yun Hoe

(1380 - 1436)

Rubén Darío

(1867 - 1916)

Svetlana Alexievich. Sergento (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Svetlana Alexievich

Hayden Carruth

(1921 - 2008)

American author Evan S. Connell.

Evan S. Connell

(1924 - 2013)

Paulus Orosius

(c. 385 - c. 420)


(c. 1400 - c. 1462)

John Gray

Ifeanyi Menkiti

Toribio de Benavente Motolinia

(1482 - 1568)

Robert Falcon Scott

(1868 - 1912)

Statue depicting Roman orator and historian Tacitus.


(56 - c. 120)

José Saramago

(1922 - 2010)

British writer Bernard Mandeville.

Bernard Mandeville

(1670 - 1733)

Depiction of Greek philosopher Plato.


(c. 427 BC - c. 347 BC)

Engraving of Greek satirist Lucian.


(125 - c. 180)

Black and white photograph of C. P. Cavafy wearing thick-rimmed black glasses.

C.P. Cavafy

(1863 - 1933)

Harold Bride

Harold Bride

(1890 - 1956)

Lewis Lapham at his desk

Lewis H. Lapham

Photograph of Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges

(1899 - 1986)

Haruki Murakami

Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon

(1609 - 1674)


(1222 - 1282)

Frontispiece for 1612-13 King James Bible.

The Bible

American psychologist and philosopher William James.

William James

(1842 - 1910)

Russian author Anton Chekhov.

Anton Chekhov

(1860 - 1904)

Jennifer Jacquet

Jennifer Jacquet

Mary Boykin Chesnut

Mary Boykin Chesnut

(1823 - 1886)

Paul Virilio

Engraving of the medieval Arab traveler Ibn Battuta.

Ibn Battuta

(1304 - c. 1369)

Chaim Kaplan

(1880 - 1942)

Ernst Jünger

(1895 - 1998)

Elizabeth Kolbert

Color photograph of American writer Annie Dillard.

Annie Dillard

Ayi Kwei Armah

Henry Knighton

Color photograph of writer and editor Garret Keizer.

Garret Keizer

Ibn al-Athir

(1160 - 1233)

Photograph of British writer and journalist Simon Winchester.

Simon Winchester

Laura Ingalls Wilder

(1867 - 1957)

Engraving of a bust of Lucretius.


(c. 95 BC - c. 50 BC)

Angelina Jolie

Curzio Malaparte

(1898 - 1957)

Claire Vaye Watkins

Engraving of Scottish economist Adam Smith.

Adam Smith

(1723 - 1790)

Paul Solotaroff

Stephen Budiansky

Engraving of William Shakespeare from the first folio edition.

William Shakespeare

(1564 - 1616)

English poet and novelist Siegfried Sassoon.

Siegfried Sassoon

(1886 - 1967)

Thomas Bernhard

(1931 - 1989)

Jonathan Schell

(1943 - 2014)

English novelist and poet Thomas Hardy.

Thomas Hardy

(1840 - 1928)

Georges Cuvier

(1769 - 1832)

Gregory of Tours

(c. 538 - 594)

American diplomat, scholar, and conservationist George Perkins Marsh.

George Perkins Marsh

(1801 - 1882)